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Scholarly editions

Scholarly editions refer to trustworthy, annotated editions of primary texts


  • New Readers for Old Texts

    Digitised formats are immensely valuable for researchers but may seem dry and unappealing to broader audiences, particularly when the original content was intended for children. This talk presents the preliminary research conducted on digitised formats of popular children's literature found in specialised libraries.
  • Editing Jane Austen

    This video features Kathryn Sutherland, Professor of Bibliography and Textual Criticism at the University of Oxford, talking about the Jane Austen Fiction Manuscripts Project.
  • Retrieving Text from Spoken Data

    This video features speech technologist Henk van den Heuvel, linguist Silvia Calamai and data curator Louise Corti explaining how speech technology has reached the stage of being able to automatically recognise and retrieve speech in huge amounts of audio visual data.
    • Henk van den Heuvel
    • Silvia Calamai
    • Louise Corti
    Read more →
  • Text, Versions and the Editorial Impulse

    This video features Paul Eggert, Martin J. Svaglic Endowed Chair in Textual Studies, Department of English, Loyola University Chicago, talking about textual studies and the study of versions as a methodology to ask questions revealing the lifespan of a text.
  • How to Learn and Love Digital Text in Four Easy Steps

    Is ChatGPT unsettling you? Are you annoyed to always land on the same webportal when googling for a specific book? Do you hate it when just the one page you need to consult is nowhere to be found on the internet? This presentation by Anne Baillot is for you!
  • Textual Scholarship

    This video features Dr. James Cummings, University of Oxford, Dr. Anne Baillot, Centre Marc Bloch, Dr. Marjorie Burghart, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS, Prof Kenneth M. Price, University of Nebraska, and Prof Elena Pierazzo, Université Grenoble Alpes, interpreting what is textual scholarship and textual criticism.
  • Digitality and Music Editions

    In this lecture from the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) entitled "Digitality and Music Editions". Thinking about the Roles of Editors, Stefanie Acquavella-Rauch discusses digitality as a method as well as a phenomenon and its role in music editions. In this talk, digitality is discussed as inhibiting a significant role in how researchers' roles change according to their personal engagement with the digital.
  • Digitising Dictionaries

    This course is an introduction to the theories, practices, and methods of digitizing legacy dictionaries for research, preservation and online distribution. It focuses on a particular technique of modeling and describing lexical data using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) in accordance with the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative, a de-facto standard for text encoding among humanities researchers.

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